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PCOS if your goal is diagnosed with PCOS chances are that your doctors told you to fix your diet plan and fix your exercise regime and unfortunately because a lot of Indians aren’t educated correctly about fitness creating a diet and exercise regime seems like something very difficult but trust me it’s not it’s just about following a few basic steps to make your body better than it was yesterday now before we start today’s video I highly recommend you go and watch the video I made on PCOS science if you’re a girl and whether or not you’ve suffered from PCOS it’s your duty to know everything there is to know about PCOS it is one of the most common problems faced by girls in modern day society and the only way we can eliminate such a problem is with mass education so make sure you get yourself educated first now before we get to the actual PCO diet plan there’s a few things you need to know firstly insulin resistance almost every girl suffering from PCOS also suffers from insulin resistance you understand this term better first you need to understand the function of insulin in your body now our bodies derive energy from carbohydrates every time you consume a carbohydrate it’s broken down into glucose inside your body and then the glucose is converted into energy through insulin insulin converts the glucose to energy now coming to carbohydrates every single carb is rated on the GI scale the GI organized emic and next scale is a scale from 0 to 100 100 represents glucose it basically signifies how fast a carbohydrate is digested by your body now glucose or sugar is rated at 100 because it’s very easily digested by your body it is digested very fast if your body takes that little bit of sugar and converts it into energy very rapidly but in order to convert it into energy in order to convert all that glucose into usable energy your body needs to create an insulin spike now regular insulin spikes in your bloodstream through consuming sugar or high GI foods is very bad from a fat loss perspective it will make it very difficult for you to lose fat and keep a lean body in the long term but it’s even worse for girls suffering from PCOS now sugar which is rated at a hundred on the GI scale will cause an insulin spike in your blood stream but these intense fights are also caused because of high GI carbohydrates every single carb in the world is rated using sugar as the reference silikal’s which cause a similar effect as sugar are rated higher on the GI scale the closer they are to 100 in the value the bigger the insulin spike will get in your bloodstream so the ground rule is that you want to avoid sugar and you want to avoid all high GI carbohydrates most girls suffer from PCOS our insulin resistant so they’re not very sensitive to the effects of insulin now for human beings were not suffering from insulin resistance they just need a little bit of insulin to convert a little bit of glucose into energy but for someone who is insulin resistant they need a lot more insulin to create that same amount of energy from that same amount of glucose now as a girl suffering from PCOS because your insulin levels are always raised a little bit it messes up your hormonal system entirely that’s why when doctors tell you that PCOS is a hormonal problem they mean this it’s this perpetual high level of insulin in your bloodstream what you need to remember is that your job now is to kind of normalize your insulin level and how do you do that you do that by fixing your diet you want to avoid all those spikes in insulin thanks to your diet remember your insulin is already high so your job as someone who’s suffering from PCOS is to 1 avoid all those insulin spikes thanks to the sugar and the high GI food and 2 is to reduce your fat percent insulin resistance usually happens because of a high of fact % than normal so you need to go at this with the intention of weight loss learn everything there is to know about carbs and learn which the low GI carbs are which the high VI carbs are all the foods that are listed in the two groups and obviously avoid sugar at all cost now getting to the actual diet plan 3 ground rules it’s going to be a high-protein diet because it’s a high protein diet you’ll need to stay hydrated all the time keep checking your urine to make sure that it’s clear most of the time and the third ground rule is avoid sugar at all cause I know that completely cutting off sugar from your diet can be a little bit difficult especially for girls who generally have sweet tooth so I’m going to work out a way for you to handle that situation now there’s two points in the day where you can afford an insulin spike for breakfast and after a workout so in this case breakfast we’ll start with an insulin spike in the form of a fruit a lot of people have this misconception that fruits don’t give you insolence now you’ve got to keep in mind that sugar gives you a biggest insulin spike but fruit also contains fruit sugar now definitely a more blunt spike when compared to something like your table sugar but it’s still an insulin spike and as someone suffering from PCOS you want to minimize these insulin spikes so you’re going to get your insurance pipe from fruit in the morning every single day change of your fruit a little bit that’s the first thing you eat when you get up in the morning just a small serving of fruit now long with fruit it’s very important for you to also consume some form of proteins and these i/o options keep in mind the written form of this diet plan along with all the options is in the description box so make sure you check that out now ideally between breakfast and lunch I’d suggest you don’t start smacking instead have a filling breakfast and go for a filling lunch now as for lunch once again you go go for a lean source of protein these are your options and you can combine this with a low glycemic index carbohydrate take a good serving of it say a big bowl of any of these options and if you’re going for rotis about two or three rotis should work well you can also include legumes or sprouts of dial at this point and you can have a salad but even mind the salad shouldn’t have potato coming to snack time which for many girls is time for the pre-workout meal remember your PCOS problem is going to get destroyed really fast if you combine this diet with an exercise regime so definitely consider doing that even 20 minutes of walking in a day is good enough so prior to that exercise are gene you one of once again review a small portion of your low glycemic index carbohydrate now if you’re someone who works out you definitely need an insulin spike after your workout regime so for that insulin spike once again take up a small bowl of fruits if you don’t work out you do not need this insulin spike so your last portion of carbohydrates is that small portion of low GI carbs you have at around 4 or 5 o’clock for snack time and you’re not supposed to have anything till dinnertime and if you’re someone will love that too your coffee and can’t give up the little bit of sugar in the tea and coffee that’s alright we’re all human and you can’t restrict yourselves that much but if you wanna go for a healthy option go for stevia which is a Hoebel sweetener which does not harm your health and finally coming to dinner the protocol is the same as lunch but you have to avoid all forms of carbohydrates at this point remember insulin resistance is caused due to a high fat percentage so your job besides avoiding all those insulin spikes is to lower down your fat percent is to lose a little bit of weight and you will lose weight if you avoid carbs after dark it just automatically happens especially the younger with metabolisms are high that’s the kind of protocol I give when it comes to a PCOS diet same as lunch but avoid all forms of carbohydrates fondue know that all you need to remember Hey ladies so that was the diet that helps you cope with PCOS with keep in mind a key to curing your own PCOS is reducing your fat percent and in order to reduce your fat percent you’ve just got to get educated here in order to get educated here make sure you check out my weight loss playlist on Bo Bice’s which is tailor-made for beginners it is teach you everything there is to know about nutrition if you liked today’s video make sure you give it a thumbs up and subscribe to be a biceps until next time ladies from red leaves see you …