Train Your Dog to COME when CALLED EVERY TIME – Online Dog Training Made Easy

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red he’s not going to come here come step nope red come on hey come here no no in today’s session I want to work on the recall for Will and red he had a little bit of an issue and another session we did so today we’re going to touch up on it we’re going to get wilted and red to really dial into their connection and make it what we call a motivational recall and something that’s fun because you can save your dog’s life let’s get started just kind of distract them run away from him or walk away from him and call him to you okay no pressure on a leash at all right come oh that’s a good boy and then away good and away so right now he’s following you yep right but he’s not really distracted yep so good good good so he understands what we want so what I’m going to do is I’m going to hold him back here and I’m going to hold his line here okay and you’re going to walk away from him and you’re going to call him okay here he come oh what a good boy excellent good that’s perfect you see he would have he would have dashed out I know so that’s what I want to work on yeah right so bring him back here and to prevent that he’s always going to come close to you Colin right good and all I’m going to do is I’m going to put a couple knots in the end of this here okay right and when he goes past you just step on the line come step everything red he’s not going to come here come on step nope red come hey come here no no step step oh good right there good come good boy that’s what we want so we need to make it a little bit more motivational for him to stop and a little bit more aversive for him to run away okay so I shouldn’t use a cookie not right now we’re going to use the cookies in a minute all right go a little further and just let that slide through your legs what’s that let it slide through your legs and then step on it when he goes past you okay try not to catch him anytime great come good exactly like that so what I want to have happen is I want to have a negative when he blows you off I can’t pass you right but I want to pause it like good come on okay and then he goes step on no okay Boom come step no no that’s a good boy that’s a good point not bad at all and that really shows you the power of one solid correction he kind of had it kind of had it then he had one bad mistake like he ran around and everything but when we stepped on that leash you’ll see he got it right after that correction there was no more mistakes before the correction the dog was a little weak and the dog was likely to make a mistake he’s a high drive dog he’s a really nice dog he’s the kind of dog I like to train because he’s intense he’s strong and he’s determined he’s not an easy dog he’s not a soft dog he’s a hard dog and that dog needs a clear picture of what we want what we’re going to give him is a reward but also what we’re going to give him as a correction to help him learn exactly what we want him to learn because what we wanted to learn is a skill that’s going to save his life [Music] …

Develops your Dog’s Hidden Intelligence Click Here 👈